Just alittle list of things on my mind....
1) I just want to scrap---- We've had out-of-town friends visiting for the last 12 days... and I totally love having them here -- but I really need some me time... I just want to scrap
2) I am totally into the new BASIC GREY
STUFF I really want the darn lunch box album....
3) I need to go back to using my "to-do" lists.... I have so much that needs to be done each day that I am slipping farther and farther behind.
4) Been working on a mini book... which I like the topic... and I like the colors.. but now that I am almost done with it... I have realized I don't like the topic and the colors together...make sense???? (Guess thats what happens when you have 12 days to think about it!-- you start second guessing)
5) When did OC get so expensive??? I have been trying to help Amanda find a 3-4 day getaway and figured she could afford OC!! Wrong... Back to the drawing board....
6) I really like my kids... They have been in and out of the house alot lately (cuz we've had company) and yep I like them alot....
Thats all for now....