4th of July album pages

And then when the dinner menu arrived... I took a quick glance at the evenings specials and I knew they had done it again.... Kangaroo with port wine sauce...... hehehe yes my Red Russian almost came out of my nose as I started to giggle....
Well when the restaurant has Lion, Antelope, Emu and kangaroo on the menu of course you must have the wild game pate for an appetizer..... And why stop there... yes I ordered Antelope.. Ken had Emu, Mike was feeling wild and got a Game platter.... don't even ask! and Kim she stayed domestic with lamb!! In true style she all shared our exotic dishes... and enjoyed the wandering violinist, had decadent desserts and more wine than necessary....
You only live once.. might as well do it on the wild style
hmmmm Exactly how will I top this restaurant????