Is it good training?
Is it stubborness?
Is it lack of intelligence?
Is it attitude?
I don't know but its been amusing...
Madisons been gone for a week now, and sadly Jakes been gone for a few months. So its just Bonnie--- And everythings been ok-- except when I moved the kitchen around to make way for the wine refrigerator I decided that we only need one dog bowl out. So I moved the mat, the water and Bonnies bowl in front of the corner cupboard. Yes that is Jake and Madisons spot-- but I really saw no need to keep Bonnies bowl where it was on the right side of the kitchen where it was kinda in the way.
It took me by surprise when I fed Bonnie and she didn't come to eat... she generally does not miss a meal. And to be honest the next day when she went over took a peice of food out and carried it to the living room I wasn't happy--I have enough hay being tracked in that I really didn't need dog food crumbs too... And then that night she went over to the bowl stood there and ate a few peices before backing away... Self imposed Diet?? I think not....
But it wasn't until last night that it hit me.... she's not eating because its not her SPOT!! Being the nice guy that I am (certainly not the leader of my pack as the Dog whisperer would say) I moved her bowl back to her spot... and WALAA she promptly laid down and started to eat.
So I ask WHY???
Is it good training?
Is it stubborness?
Is it lack of intelligence?
Is it attitude?
None of the animals in my life are "trained" but they do all have habits... and over the years (especially the FAT years) Bonnie has been reprimanded (ALOT) for eating others food...Both Jake and Madison like to graze-- and Bonnie never could pass a bowl with food in it with stopping... So I am guessing that poor Bonnie knew that wasn't her SPOT and was just trying to stay out of trouble....
One would think that since it was her bowl (totally different) that she would "get" it... or maybe in her old age she just wasn't willing to give up on her spot close to the rug, sink and the back door????
Anyway all is right in Bonnies world... her bowls and Mat are back where they started.. and old habits come back quickly to me too, as I stepped over her time after time while cooking dinner last night.
Well almost all right... now we just have to convince her to sleep on Jakes old bed instead of next to it... unfortunately her bed had alittle accident... called Madison!! Hmmm Madison has had a grand old time tearing it apart all summer... I sewed and sewed but its so thread bare it had to GO! We will deal with that problem next week!