This week I haven't been able to post photos here on my blog-- I had more xmas photos which I wanted to post in my last post which I just couldn't get in there... Still can't doing it the normal way. I have now had to resort to uploading them into a web album and then linking them back... much to work for me.... Blogger just hates me....
I have tried contacting their help groups, emailing and no response!! (other than they left me a picture... alot of help that was)
Anyway I am working on it... really I am!
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Christmas is over and we are left with alot of leftovers, a pile of returns and alot of trash-- What fun we had though!
Nothing like baking cookies at midnight
Unwrapping gifts
or unveiling them-- Christopher decided that wrapping paper was indulging in the "establishment" and he was not buying into it(or buying wrapping paper)
Dinner was a blast-- totally loved having a sit down dinner with family and friends and having even more company for dessert (Coreys Mom and Dad joined us)
We will be eating Turkey and Ham for days to come! but thats the best part of the holiday isn't it? Christopher took over as Mashed potato maker and Mike fried up a turkey, and Merv brought us shrimp to snack on with Mikes mushrooms. 
However when did the "kids" become adults??? My house isn't big enough for everyone to hang out in the living room... I thought they would have all run down to catch alittle football-- isn't that what boys are supposed to do?... no my tv saw no action--
Alittle photo session with the "kids" provided even more amusement...
Christopher came home yesterday morning after work about 6am-- and after a few hours of sleep and little shopping trip with Mike we finally got to celebrate his birthday... albeit quickly as he had friends to catch up with and holiday celebrating of his own to do-- We got lucky the winter coat I got him fit & looked good and the bowling gift certificate that Amanda got him was the perfect gift.
Today the weather is feeling alittle more like winter... cool and breezy-- but still in the upper 50's-- I am not seeing that we will get a white christmas... but since today will be spent cooking and getting ready for tommorrow I'm happy that its not as nice as it was yesterday.
We've already altered a skirt for Amanda to wear to church tonight... the mushrooms are on simmer, the cheese cake is in the oven and the sausage is frying for the stuffing.... its gonna be a long day....

Did I show you this??? Yep Mike made it too... I guess maybe I mentioned that he made another wonderful paper shelf for me but never showed the picture.
And I know this is the picture you have been waiting to see!! SANTA PICTURES!!!
Yes Miss Madison was a big girl again and sat on Santas lap!!
The weekend is finally here lots to do to get ready for christmas... cooking, cleaning and unfortunatly alittle more shopping..

So this is what I have been working on in my very little spare time... Totally love this paper loft paper "Well Worn" paper...Still have some journaling to add to page one... but can't seem to sit still long enough to get it done... And no just because I am working on pictures from 2 weeks ago does not mean I am that caught up... Ha Ha-- far from it... this paper was calling my name...
Learning more about digital creations has been calling my name too. I just signed up for a free class Can't hurt right? I spend way too much time trying to figure out photoshopCS2 when I could be accomplishing something...

After a busy weekend it was almost nice to go to work (notice I said almost)- Sunday got so side tracked that trying to get everything done wasn't easy-- I had mentioned to Mike that I wanted a 4x8 peice of plywood so I could make some 12x12 cubes to hold my paper better than my wire cubes awhile ago... well I guess he didn't trust my carpentry skills because he bought some laminated wood and decided Sunday that it was the day to build--- with no real plan (I did try and show him on 2Peas what I was talking about) he made me some wonderful cubes with shelves. Who says guys don't get scrapbooking?
If I were smart I would hire him out-- he makes wonderful creations that always turn out perfect...(yes its level and square---and how do I know??? because he proved it to me when we were done! haha)
If that wasn't enough for one day we finished up cleaning up the leaves down front, cleaned two bathrooms, Did 3 loads of laundry, put up the outside snowman and the Big snowGlobe and put the tree up (no decorations yet) and dusted some major dust bunnies out of Amandas room, mopped her floor and made it ready for her to come home.
Oh and I got the lights on the banister-- Call it a productive day!!
Now to find time to load my new cubes....

Look who I met today! Thrash-- Home from a not so quick trip to the lake. We scooted down there last night to get my boat over to Karen and Tims and out of the water. I must say I have have never been to the lake at christmas time.. It was kinda neat to see all the decorations up. Anyway I got to meet the infamous Thrasher.. such a cutie! Then the rest of the day was spent removing leaves.. Needless to say coming home so late my tree is still not up... Maybe I can con Mike into helping tomorrow...
I did get some good news... it seems Corey found us to car to share.. I need winter transportation and he needs a beater to haul stuff... I'll share pictures as soon as I lay my eyes on this contraption... he assures me its a beauty-- :)
Nothing like baking cookies at midnight
Unwrapping gifts
or unveiling them-- Christopher decided that wrapping paper was indulging in the "establishment" and he was not buying into it(or buying wrapping paper)
Dinner was a blast-- totally loved having a sit down dinner with family and friends and having even more company for dessert (Coreys Mom and Dad joined us)
However when did the "kids" become adults??? My house isn't big enough for everyone to hang out in the living room... I thought they would have all run down to catch alittle football-- isn't that what boys are supposed to do?... no my tv saw no action--
Alittle photo session with the "kids" provided even more amusement...
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Birthday Boy
Christopher came home yesterday morning after work about 6am-- and after a few hours of sleep and little shopping trip with Mike we finally got to celebrate his birthday... albeit quickly as he had friends to catch up with and holiday celebrating of his own to do-- We got lucky the winter coat I got him fit & looked good and the bowling gift certificate that Amanda got him was the perfect gift.
Today the weather is feeling alittle more like winter... cool and breezy-- but still in the upper 50's-- I am not seeing that we will get a white christmas... but since today will be spent cooking and getting ready for tommorrow I'm happy that its not as nice as it was yesterday.
We've already altered a skirt for Amanda to wear to church tonight... the mushrooms are on simmer, the cheese cake is in the oven and the sausage is frying for the stuffing.... its gonna be a long day....
Friday, December 22, 2006
Santa Pictures
Did I show you this??? Yep Mike made it too... I guess maybe I mentioned that he made another wonderful paper shelf for me but never showed the picture.

And I know this is the picture you have been waiting to see!! SANTA PICTURES!!!
Yes Miss Madison was a big girl again and sat on Santas lap!!
The weekend is finally here lots to do to get ready for christmas... cooking, cleaning and unfortunatly alittle more shopping..
message from santa
Saw this on Tena Sprengers Blog and thought it way to cute!
All I need to know about Christmas I learned from Santa:
Encourage people to believe in you
Always remember who's naughty and who's nice
It's as much fun to give as it is to receive
Some days it's ok to feel a little chubby
Make your presents known
Always ask for a little bit more than you really want
Bright red can make anyone look good
Wear a wide belt and no one will notice how many pounds you have gained
If you only show up once a year, everyone will think you're really important
When you are at a loss for words, say "ho, ho, ho,"
Ahhh so I am counting down the hours til its time to go home... totally dislike the last day before holidays... seems the whole world is out shopping and doing last minute things... ahh poor poor me!
All I need to know about Christmas I learned from Santa:
Encourage people to believe in you
Always remember who's naughty and who's nice
It's as much fun to give as it is to receive
Some days it's ok to feel a little chubby
Make your presents known
Always ask for a little bit more than you really want
Bright red can make anyone look good
Wear a wide belt and no one will notice how many pounds you have gained
If you only show up once a year, everyone will think you're really important
When you are at a loss for words, say "ho, ho, ho,"
Ahhh so I am counting down the hours til its time to go home... totally dislike the last day before holidays... seems the whole world is out shopping and doing last minute things... ahh poor poor me!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Bah humbug
So today I thought I would provide my "10 things I hate" list... but that doesn't seem very seasonal now does it??? BAH Humbug....Can someone tell me why in October I have ideas for christmas gifts and then once the season rolls around my mind hits a brick wall and empties out. Then few just a few days til christmas... when its too late to order ohhh the ideas come in rolling back... Today I actually thought I would just start ordering and then next year I would be ahead of the game.... its a nasty game my brain is playing with me and its seriously not getting me in the ho ho ho mood--
So today Amanda and Mike hit Costco-- together... on outward appearances that seems like a disaster in the making huh??? Well guess who didn't even bring home dinner??? The two of them counteracted each other and we seriously got dog food and turkey today.... hello???with all the christmas fun thats all they could come up with???? And amanda said they even passed by the opportunity for a heidi swapp gift for mom!! Must be global warming... or a full moon????
Well guess whose eating Joes Pizza tonight????
So today Amanda and Mike hit Costco-- together... on outward appearances that seems like a disaster in the making huh??? Well guess who didn't even bring home dinner??? The two of them counteracted each other and we seriously got dog food and turkey today.... hello???with all the christmas fun thats all they could come up with???? And amanda said they even passed by the opportunity for a heidi swapp gift for mom!! Must be global warming... or a full moon????
Well guess whose eating Joes Pizza tonight????
Monday, December 18, 2006
Little Gossip?
Bonnie is OK
So after a long night with Miss Bonnie, Amanda and I took her to the Vet today where she had a miraculous recovery. Amazingly she walked in (on all four feet) and proceeded to sit, stand and laydown and TUG TUG TUG on her leash... once in the doctors office she meandered around and let him poke and prod... even touching her feet... which on a good day is a no no as far as Bonnie as concerned.... Diagnosis?
Shes old-- she has arthritus-- severe arthritus, she has some atrophy in her leg and some neurologic damage... but nothing that alittle more drugs can't help her cope with. And amazingly our new doc prescribed a CHEAPER drug then what shes on right now--- so one day at a time we will see how our girl does. But for now shes supposed to take it easy (we laughed at that.... how much easier does your life get when you wake up, eat, move to a spot on the lawn, eat again, move to your bed for TV time and then move upstairs to sleep)
Shes old-- she has arthritus-- severe arthritus, she has some atrophy in her leg and some neurologic damage... but nothing that alittle more drugs can't help her cope with. And amazingly our new doc prescribed a CHEAPER drug then what shes on right now--- so one day at a time we will see how our girl does. But for now shes supposed to take it easy (we laughed at that.... how much easier does your life get when you wake up, eat, move to a spot on the lawn, eat again, move to your bed for TV time and then move upstairs to sleep)
Today is my Dad's Birthday!!! Sending him wonderful thoughts today--wish we were there to celebrate his big day!! He's got a big xmas party tonight that he and my mom have worked hard at planning -- Elks lodge I beleive--I know it will be a big success!!
Enjoy your Day Dad!!
Enjoy your Day Dad!!
Sunday, December 17, 2006
A weekend of celebrations..Amanda Corey and I celebrated Mikes birthday friday night..Amanda has perfected Mikes favorite Watergate cake--something I never managed to do... at least one of us has the skill to gain his approval! And she pulled the daughter card and made peanut butter cookies for him... Can you tell Christmas is a week away??? :)
And Saturday night we had our company Christmas party in old town Warrenton-- They do such a wonderful job of decorating the street with lite trees, the lamp posts strung with lights and wreaths-- magical really.
Today topped off a wonderful weekend with Spring like weather.. We cleaned the new car Corey got me==I have to take pictures its a beauty!! 1994 GMC Jimmy, washed the vet and even vacumed it-- Sadly though the warm weather wasn't much help to Bonnie. She struggled all day with her back legs giving out and choose not to even come to dinner. I am keeping my fingers crossed that tommorrow will be a better day for her. We gave her asprin and her pills but I'm not sure how effective that was.
Even Madison couldn't get her to smile....
And Saturday night we had our company Christmas party in old town Warrenton-- They do such a wonderful job of decorating the street with lite trees, the lamp posts strung with lights and wreaths-- magical really.
Today topped off a wonderful weekend with Spring like weather.. We cleaned the new car Corey got me==I have to take pictures its a beauty!! 1994 GMC Jimmy, washed the vet and even vacumed it-- Sadly though the warm weather wasn't much help to Bonnie. She struggled all day with her back legs giving out and choose not to even come to dinner. I am keeping my fingers crossed that tommorrow will be a better day for her. We gave her asprin and her pills but I'm not sure how effective that was.
Even Madison couldn't get her to smile....
Sunday, December 10, 2006
The past
The weekend is winding down I got alittle christmas shopping done -- ok very little... I had this big plan to hit all these stores but gave up after 4. And my list really isn't any shorter. The crowds weren't bad and everyone seemed jolly-- I even made friends as I asked unsuspecting shoppers their opinions and even to model some of my choices-- hey you gotta do what you gotta do...
Yesterday Mike came home with another creation for my scrap room... A paper rack with pull out shelves!! It matches my big box and I must say it is a beauty! I am sure after the holidays I will have time to clean up my room and get things labeled and organized... But for now I shoved stuff in the cubbies and I will hunt and peck to find all my goodies!
We took a trip down memory lane last night. It was Matts birthday and we got together over at his house to celebrate. .
He showed a video from 1985 that had Chris, Mike, Mike and myself in it. I personally don't remember the party or him video taping but he reminded us that back then no one really had camcorders and he had rented this one for $75.00 for the night from Erol's (remember Erols??? back when we rented VHS tapes)and it was a big deal. To say that it was grainy is an understatement-- but it gave us all a few laughs. Its amazing how after 25+ years you end up on a Saturday night with the same people you grew up with and nothing much has really changed.. sure everyone got married (and divorced a few times) had kids--and became "grown up" but in the end they are the same-- I think we laughed at the same lame jokes, argued over the same silly subjects and the guys were just as competitive as ever.
As for me-- I find myself learning to appreciate the new wives, remembering the old girlfriends and finding that no matter how much you think things have changed some things remain the same
Yesterday Mike came home with another creation for my scrap room... A paper rack with pull out shelves!! It matches my big box and I must say it is a beauty! I am sure after the holidays I will have time to clean up my room and get things labeled and organized... But for now I shoved stuff in the cubbies and I will hunt and peck to find all my goodies!
We took a trip down memory lane last night. It was Matts birthday and we got together over at his house to celebrate. .
He showed a video from 1985 that had Chris, Mike, Mike and myself in it. I personally don't remember the party or him video taping but he reminded us that back then no one really had camcorders and he had rented this one for $75.00 for the night from Erol's (remember Erols??? back when we rented VHS tapes)and it was a big deal. To say that it was grainy is an understatement-- but it gave us all a few laughs. Its amazing how after 25+ years you end up on a Saturday night with the same people you grew up with and nothing much has really changed.. sure everyone got married (and divorced a few times) had kids--and became "grown up" but in the end they are the same-- I think we laughed at the same lame jokes, argued over the same silly subjects and the guys were just as competitive as ever.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Paper loft

Learning more about digital creations has been calling my name too. I just signed up for a free class Can't hurt right? I spend way too much time trying to figure out photoshopCS2 when I could be accomplishing something...
Monday, December 04, 2006
My new paper holder
After a busy weekend it was almost nice to go to work (notice I said almost)- Sunday got so side tracked that trying to get everything done wasn't easy-- I had mentioned to Mike that I wanted a 4x8 peice of plywood so I could make some 12x12 cubes to hold my paper better than my wire cubes awhile ago... well I guess he didn't trust my carpentry skills because he bought some laminated wood and decided Sunday that it was the day to build--- with no real plan (I did try and show him on 2Peas what I was talking about) he made me some wonderful cubes with shelves. Who says guys don't get scrapbooking?
If I were smart I would hire him out-- he makes wonderful creations that always turn out perfect...(yes its level and square---and how do I know??? because he proved it to me when we were done! haha)
If that wasn't enough for one day we finished up cleaning up the leaves down front, cleaned two bathrooms, Did 3 loads of laundry, put up the outside snowman and the Big snowGlobe and put the tree up (no decorations yet) and dusted some major dust bunnies out of Amandas room, mopped her floor and made it ready for her to come home.
Oh and I got the lights on the banister-- Call it a productive day!!
Now to find time to load my new cubes....
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Found another boyfriend for my girl....
Look who I met today! Thrash-- Home from a not so quick trip to the lake. We scooted down there last night to get my boat over to Karen and Tims and out of the water. I must say I have have never been to the lake at christmas time.. It was kinda neat to see all the decorations up. Anyway I got to meet the infamous Thrasher.. such a cutie! Then the rest of the day was spent removing leaves.. Needless to say coming home so late my tree is still not up... Maybe I can con Mike into helping tomorrow...
I did get some good news... it seems Corey found us to car to share.. I need winter transportation and he needs a beater to haul stuff... I'll share pictures as soon as I lay my eyes on this contraption... he assures me its a beauty-- :)
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