So sorry for the delay in sharing the Nascar pictures from this weekend. Our time in Richmond never disappoints us! Saturday we got to the track early enough that Mike was able to pull off getting a spot up close at gate 6. Which meant less walking for him and easy access to the track. Christopher got a promotion at work (couldn't be prouder) and while he had purchased season tickets was unable to get the day off to go to the Busch race. But that didn't stop him from joining us for alittle tailgating.

And then it was off to work for him. David stayed using Christophers extra ticket and Mike C and Chris G slide into the parking spot we "saved" for them. All and all it was a good day-- We saved ourselves the ride home by going to Mike C. lakehouse in Lake Anna. Which by the way is mighty cute.
Whle the weather disappointed us on Sunday the good times did not. I had to laugh that after we set up the tents for tailgating A bunch of Christophers buddies showed up ---without race tickets... they came for the tailgating! Beer in hand and an attitude of finding a good time. They weren't there long before they found more friends from school- nothing like a bunch of rowdy boys to get the day going... But what was remarkable in no time they had the entire road in front of our tailgate filled with games!! They played bucketball, some kind of ringer game and beer pong. And no they didn't bring a game with them... they made friends fast-- and the pre-race party began

Nothing like a day filled with family and friends. We were worried that Nick and Robin wouldn't find us. But low and behold they showed --rain and all...It didn't take much for Nick to join in the games-- Christopher loves showing off his cool nephew-- and while I thought it important to introduce him... it seems all the boys remembered each other anyway---

I would be remiss if I didn't comment on the seats that Mike scored for the race.. If you look at the picture-- look at the seats all the way up at the top!! yup we could see the entire track! Unfortunately without the "handicap" stamp everyone had to walk to the top. Which was a trek-- Needless to say Mike and I rode the elevator. Sundays race ended early with a rained out. So Guess ? what we ended up with three days of festivities--Nascar was no longer a two day race it was an event!... this time we decided that Saturday was a bit much and we parked in the handicap lot and made the kids come to us. The sun shone bright... but the wind was a bit much--(ok it was a bit much for me-- no one else seemed to have an issue)

Like a duck out of water-- I embraced the whole Nascar scene-- after all if you can't beat 'em -- join'em----