Saturday, December 27, 2008

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas 2008
Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring...not even the the four dogs and 2 cats.....
We awoke in the morning to hear such a clatter, me in my reindeer pants and Christopher in his sweats-- what did Santa leave?? not one but two stockings for Christopher!!
And a bone ohhh so big for Cooper!!
Maizy was dressed in her sweater and not so very happy to have a new bed....
But wait maybe Santa was tricking her with the wrapped little things in her bed-- oh me oh my new Babies for Maizy --tumbling out of her bed
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Week in review
1) You have sinus cavitities in the base of your head... which when filled (ewww) can mimic a brain tumor and make you wish for a labotomy.
2) That because your daughter is a scientist that doesn't make her mathamatian, but coming up 50 sheets of paper short for the wedding invites doesn't cause as much stress as you would think.
3) No matter how hard you plan to be done with Christmas shopping you still have to make one more run to the store.
4) Belguim waffles are better then frozen waffles
5) That boys will pee in the toilet before scrubbing the blue cleanser out that you left soaking in said toilet and look at you like it was your fault that you have to start all over.
6) That standing water in the basement is not a high priorty on my husbands list of things to worry about.
7) That trying to mop up a whole (costco sized) container of liquid laundry soap from the floor is a never ending battle.
8) Puppies can't ice skate
9) That gaining weight does make your shirts shorter
10) That coming up with lists is a great way to avoid housework.
Sunday, December 14, 2008

Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Have your cake and eat it too....
Monday, December 01, 2008
Because 2 times is not enough
After dinner Maizy found someone who enjoyed holding her bone... Cooper was actually sleeping with the bone in his mouth and Maizy was chewing the other end...
Monday, November 24, 2008
More Vacation

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Maizys vacation
This just wasn't any beach this was a doggie beach.. The Brohard Paw Park... Every gigantic dog in Florida must have been at the beach!! And they all loved it... except Maizy-- she wanted nothing to do with the ocean... although she found digging in the sand an enjoyable way to pass the time!! Apparently she ate alot of sand too because later that day she was making sand castles of her own in my parents yard... And of course she had lots of attention.. Always someone to play with!
And she made a new friend! (kinda) Randal-- Randal wasn't too sure what Maizy was doing in his house and certainly wasn't fond of the fact that Maizy took all his toys.. but they did enjoy a few hours of fun!
Then it was on to Key West.. it was a long drive although I don't think Maizy knew it because she slept the whole way.... we stopped on one of the Keys to streach our legs and walk the beach Maizy pooped on the boardwalk... ehhh shit happens... hahaha and again refused to go in the ocean. But for Maizy this was probably the best part of her vacation because in Key West she got to stay with Baxter and Bendict... and she fell in love... She spent countless hours running, chasing and kissing Bendict.... for Maizy it will be a vacation to remember.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Christmas in October
We will miss him but hopefully this send off will remind him how much we all love him--
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Random Thursday
Random thoughts
- Three dogs, Three bowls, three different types of food... do you think any of them could get it right? Nope
- Got a call from Christopher-- he asked what I was doing... me of course "working, what about you?" "sitting 6 feet from the ocean" Yea both my kids are on the shore... Amanda moves into her new place tomorrow and he's working down in Norfolk for the week
- Maizy starts school again tonight.. kinda worried as she may have forgotten everything from puppy class.... and no we didn't go take a refresher session like the teacher suggested in between classes
- Trying to find new kitty litter because nothing so far is working with Furbee-- Another reason why dogs are better than cats
- Lovin gas prices being down to $2.93-- actually filled up for less than $50 today
Monday, October 13, 2008
Wedding weekend

Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Sad face
Maizy hasn't figured out how to bark yet. strange I know. She cries, she whimpers, she even makes growly noises but no barking -- shes tried but it always comes out like a whisper... And I don't encourage anything more. I like my silent dog... with no tags hanging shes quite stealthy-- only her breathing (snorting) gives her away. I think barking would take away her charm.
So how long was she treated like a dog? How long did she stay on that chain... only long enough for me to go grab the camera... and then once again she was free to chase her cat friends and run circles around Bonnie..
Monday, October 06, 2008
Friday, October 03, 2008
Show your Voice
Yea Tom Davis heard from me today.... And it wasn't hard for me to say VOTE NO--- I am tired of hearing how every candidate for office is against unnecessary government spending but then turns around and supports it.
Shame on all of them for trying to slide "pork" into this bill.... How can they look us in the face and add on money for Wooden arrows???? IF this was truly as important as they say-- a CRISIS then maybe they should stop the greed and treat it with the importance that it needs.
And furthermore... When there is $5.00 in my checking account I certainly don't spend $100... and isn't that what they are voting to do??? WE HAVE A DEFICIT right??? We would have to borrow more money from CHINA right???
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Jeanettes Blog and won some cute decorative scissors for the scraproom.. gotta love free! now I just have to convince Mike that they are worth putting a nail in the wall.. he really "hates" when I mess up the walls with nails...

I think it just might be time to buy a lottery ticket
Thursday, September 25, 2008
A little t-shirt...
Anyway tonight she still looked alittle cold... so I thought its not really sweater weather but maybe a little shirt was in order... from these pictures it looks like shes doing fine... alittle neck roll ... T-shirt shrunk??? hahaha but what you don't see is her running and rolling trying to chase the shirt off of herself.... This may take some training...
But the question remains... Are you on the list???? Thought you would like that one Christopher....
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Signs of Fall
Its not like our 80 degree days are gone... not for a longshot. But the cool crisp mornings and brisk evenings once the sun goes down are definitely here to stay.
Any day now the leaves will start to turn and then fall and then I know I will be wishing for days sans slippers.. but today it was "a good thing".
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Happy Birthday!

Enjoy your day... and remember "Well-Behaved Women Rarely Make History"
Monday, September 15, 2008
late night
I learned the hard way that working late + puppy = an even longer night once we get home. See Maizy is done everyday at about 4:30pm-- shes had enough being "good" and is ready to go home. My boss feels otherwise... he thinks we should stay that last hour-- And tonight staying for an extra hour and then the 45 minute drive home made it a very long day for puppy!! Needless to say shes been going at 100mph all night and there doesn't seem to be an end in sight!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
marching on
Mike is still nursing his poision ivy-- It seems to be getting worse not better-- but I read that it could take up to three weeks to heal... maybe next time he will listen when I tell him not to work in it..hard headed and stubbourn all in one.
Christopher went to a wedding yesterday and the best man as it turns out is also going to be his "new" brother in law. Small world-- Ryan and Christopher hung out for most of the day today. I guess Ryan flies back home (Oregon I think) tomorrow. I always forget that Coreys brother and Christopher were friends too in high school... at least we know some of the family will get along!