Nothing like a 3 day weekend that felt like a whole weeks worth of fun. Hurricane Hannah may have blew through but she sure didn't stop us from having a whole lot of fun. Despite the knowledge that the races would probably be cancelled/rescheduled we all drove to Richmond Friday and like a precision marching band all descended on Richmond at the same time making tailgating together easy... the weather held out until late afternoon-- hot and sticky --perfect for a day of hanging out under the tent--telling tall tales and playing games. Even when the rain came it wasn't enough for us to run-- we stood our ground waited for the official notice that the races were rescheduled... And as it poured made our plans to come back and do it again.

Our original plans were to head to Lake Anna for the night-- but Hurricane Hannah made a Nascar race for Saturday an impossibility and the thought of getting stuck with that many people in Mike's small house and the fact that the animals were probably missing us as much as we missed them we decided to head home in the pouring rain... Christopher went to the lake-- Corey, Amanda, Mike and I headed home... despite the longgggg ride in the rain it turned out to be such a good thing.. we were able to get Maizy (who was vacationing with Toni and Robin) get a ton of house work done and repack the car for round two once the hurricane passed.

So yesterday we got up at 6am and did it all over again-- ready for not just a day of racing but a doubleheader--- one race at 1pm and another at 7pm... talk about a long day. This time we decided since Amanda had to leave after the first race we would try and leave Madison and Maizy in the kitchen with some baby gates-- it actually worked out just fine... unless you count a puppy who was so full of energy there was no way she was going to sleep when we finally drug ourselves home at 11pm... Other than alot of leaves and branches that were down you would have never noticed that Hannah had come through the day before we got lucky with a day that was bright and hot--again...

Everyones driver made the race exciting giving us all something to cheer about--even Bowyer managed to make it into the "chase" with points to spare.

Hey even Casey Mears, my driver gave me something to cheer about-- he actually made his way to the top 10 for a good portion of the day

and you ask why do we do this to ourselves?? just so we can see this happy face...