Wednesday, March 25, 2009
slave labor
This is what happens when you visit the brides family a few days before a wedding... instead of fun and frivolity its slave wedding labor!! After dinner no one was permitted to leave the table until 100 wedding programs were punched, ribbons inserted and bowed!! And yes it took all four of us to accomplish the task... apparently in wedding boot camp there are no breaks even for injuries... My dad insists he deserves a purple heart for his scissor injuries!! And after waiting soo long to own a cropodile (the hole punching tool) I finally found a good excuse to buy one-- shove that expenditure right under the paper goods on the wedding budget and no one was the wiser. But did I get to play with it??? nooo one mention that it was a tool and Mike took over that job... because my bow tying skills were so poor I got stuck inserting ribbons... oh well at least the job is checked off the list!!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
6 days and counting
Nothing brings out ohh and ahhs in a salon like pulling out a veil! I can't wait to see it on her wedding day.

Saturday, March 14, 2009
I can shop

A couple of the girls have already married off their children -- so they reassured me I wasn't going crazy, and warned me that it could get worse. And being the friends that they are offered extra beds, cooking skills and shoulder to cry on should things get worse... It was nice to share the details of Amandas big day and be greeted with enthusiasm.
As I worry about the little things I keep reminding myself of the big things... In two weeks my baby is getting married.
Thursday, March 12, 2009

Monday, March 09, 2009
Helpful Maizy
And the room which started like this . (those white spots are just a few of the zillion holes Mike spackled) and ended up looking lovely... maybe I will find time to take pictures tonight???
If the amount of stuff your child hangs on thier wall has any collation to the happiness they experinced during childhood I think my daughter was an extremely happy child.... This is room number two that she occupied in our house and both of them after she left required a whole jar of spackle... Lucky for her-- her daddy loves her lots... but he did make a note to get Corey his own spackle jar for the wedding...
Speaking of the wedding... the list gets smaller and smaller... This weekend.. Final walkthrough with the officers club, final dress fitting, they picked up the rings and Amanda got her hair done - moving right along!!!