Mike convinced me to leave the house and I took the opportunity to include my shopping in the day too. He wanted to replace his chair for tailgating(his list) -- so after two stores and alot of testing we found one that he could easily get in and out of and had the stability he required along with portability. Then we headed over to AC Moore (my list) and I got two new boxes for my scraproom-- on sale! They didn't have the black ones I wanted but the blue and green are mighty cute.
After a trip to the Ace Hardware store and the grocery store we finally made it home..
While I moved on to make some broccoli salad Mike set his sights on smoking some pork tenderloin and some ribs... we are set for the week! Then it was time to sit and enjoy-- I looked at Mike and he was glaring at something in the garden.. when questioned he responded with a "what kind of bug is that?" Pretty normal question at our house because we do have some unusual creatures... but then at closer look we decided that the bee looking creature could actually be a baby hummingbird!! Totally amazing.. we love to watch the hummingbirds in our yard but have never seen one this small-- I tried to get pictures.. but before I could get a zoom lens on the camera he was gone... maybe later this week he'll be back... and trust me I will be ready!