Tuesday, June 07, 2005


I was Girl Scout... heck I was even a cub scout (something only brave mothers will do) so the term Be prepared should really be ingrained in me... but geez the last few days have really tested me... frank family discussions... overload of projects at work... and then last night I came home to Mike being sick and NO INTERNET.. probably shouldn't have been a big deal but I am feverishly trying to get ready to go to CKU and of course yesterday another teacher sent out an email with items to bring... I have come to realize I NEED INTERNET... its not just a niceity or a luxery its a utility that makes my house run....

So am I packed? NO--I have gathered most of what I need but the pile is small and that makes me nervous... What am I forgeting?


Heidi Cocca said...

I am right there with you... but as my mom always says "We're not leaving this world" -- if it's something that you can't live without, you'll be able to get it there. SEE YOU TOMORROW!!

Anonymous said...

Vicki - have a great time!! "blog" all about it!! Mary