Friday, August 26, 2005

Tag huh???

I never was very good at playing games... well for those of you reading blogs you know whats happening... for those of you who aren't stalking someone Leah has tagged me to list 5 random facts about myself...

1) I have been totally bitten by the blog bug and I am now up to 15 blogs that I check everyday... but only 4 do I actually write on and know the people who write them.

2) I am addicted to HGTV-- and when left alone will have it on 24 hours a day.

3) When traveling I carry my "blankie" with me so I don't have to have my body touch the hotel blankets....

4) I am so addicted to food that no matter what it is I'll try it... and more than likely I will continue to eat it... even if it tastes bad.

5) A good weekend to me is one where I don't shower or leave my house.... and if I can get away with keeping my pj's on all the better.....

So there you have it .... just some random lil factoids.... And LIZ because you are so behind on your blog-----TAG!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
