What you probably don't know is that we don't watch the news in our house. We gave it up -- there are only so many hours in the day and life is hard enough without hearing the horrors that the citizens around us want to do to each other.... now I am up to date on current events... I have a radio in my car and my internet browser gives me the top stories of the day and thats enough for me.. I can hold an intelligent conversation--- without the sensationalism that the media wants to bring to every event. I don't know when news turned into tabloid style journalism but I don't like it and I don't want to support it.... I mean in this area even the darn weather forecast can sound like something out of the Enquirer-- really 2 inches of snow and the broadcasters are pumping us with "The storm of the year"....
But bring on a national crisis and I am drawn to the TV... And I think it has to do with wanting to see the stories of heroism, of neighborly kindness or the goodness that comes out of a bad situation. If my nightly news could just show some goodness maybe I could watch.....
Today the news is that the FEMA director is being pulled... everyone seems to want to point fingers at someone else... It was a storm, a natural disaster and the same people who say government is too big, too much in our business are now saying that for some reason our government is responsible for fixing what mother nature did.... Simplistic aren't I??? But really who among us believes that the money we pay in taxes really saves the day??? not me...
What I do believe is that the only responsibility the government had was that it lets generation after generation live in poverty---yes LETS them do this... its much easier to collect a check then it is to become educated, then it is to work two, three jobs to support their families... perhaps had the government decided that people needed to TRY then we wouldn't have seen so many people stay in New Orleans.... They would have known it was time to get out... Now don't get me wrong I am not bashing the people who stayed... there are many reasons why someone would stay but if they did by their own choice then why is it SOMEONE ELSES fault. And why should the government then be responsible to come in and search for you??? Why should soldiers have to come in to stop looters??? I know there were people without transportation, elderly people, and a whole lot of people who probably would have left if they could... but not everyone is in that category. The citizens of New Orleans have always known there could be a natural disaster, just like the citizens of FLA know they will get hurricanes every year and Californian have earthquakes.... so why wouldn't everyone have a plan???? EDUCATION--- the free education our government hands out but generations of people snub..... I'm tired of hearing the bad news-- shouldn't we be applauding those that did the right thing???? Applauding those that have opened their wallets, their homes to reach out to those who did the right thing and left their home when they were told. Shouldn't we be thanking the people who did the best they could in a time of horrific damage???
Sure when its all said and done there is nothing wrong with sitting down and figuring out what could have been done better... but I for one really can't believe that anyone purposely sat down the day of the storm and consciously decided that we'll just wait until people come yelling at us for help..... So stop the blame... or at least put the blame where it belongs --on all of us for allowing our government to enable people to continue in a cycle of poverty.
1 comment:
You sure are singing the same tune that I am!! The "best" I heard was someone blame Bush for the hurricane itself. Don't care what your politics are, that is just plain stupid!!
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