Saturday, April 29, 2006

the ever changing role

I think we all swore as kids that when we had children there were thing our parents did that we would never do to our kids.... and as adults we still promise that our kids won't feel the guilt we feel... but keeping those promises to ourselves is hard....
At 2 we could walk into a room and she would never let go of my leg-
At 3 two days a week I would drop her at preschool for 3 hours and she would cry so hard that I would cry when I got the car....
At 5 she would have stomach aches so she didn't have to go to school....
at 19 she needs to come home but not to my home....
being a parent is hard--- letting go is hard--- being replaced is hard--- funny thing is my brain is so wrapped around it but my heart is still working on the details...

She did come home... to my home... and I was surprised and happy.... somehow she knew the importance... but one day I know that even being Mom won't be enough and I will know that her happiness is more important than my need....

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