Now if you think things decompose over time... and return to mother earth... you would be surprised if you saw what was buried under the leaves under our deck... Its was like a living history of our lives... matchbox cars found there way back into the sunlight as the deckboards were removed... pool toys that had been long forgotten, a peice of cardboard with spray paint on it from a High school Physics project, ribbon that stood the test of time that once held ballons to the deck rails, keg cups buried under the leaves still in their package... a dead mouse a recent present from Mr. Wiggles... our lives were well preserved under that deck in small peices. Peices that anyone else would quickly thrown away-- but not me I savored every last scrap.

1 comment:
ah...i truely understand. Was going thru some things to throw out and papers of such, and had the same remember when and what you were doing or thinking at those times. But new memories to be made!
And, how IS Mr Wiggles ?
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