He's home and hes not feeling so well... Sunday Mr. Wiggles was plain ole sick and for whatever reason I went ahead and let him out. Much to my chigrin he didn't come back... I really should have known better but really who knew he felt good enough to leave the deck?
We were worried Sunday night.. alittle panicked Monday morning... Totally freaked out as I drove the neighborhood Monday night.. and then at 2:45am I woke up and checked the door again. And there he was... still sick but home..

Mike put up some more hooks this weekend so I could hang more of my suncatchers and windchimes. I know Corey will be happy to have them moved from the gutter by the sliding door --After all is it my fault that he's so tall?

Very cool! I have been putting some wind chimes and stuff in my garden behind my deck. Like the sun catchers....also Thanks for posting a pix of mr Wiggles. I now know what he looks like ! Hope he feels better soon!
I am happy the cat is back.
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