Thursday, August 03, 2006

Memo: To Family and Friends


To Family and Friends-

It has come to my attention that my Air Conditioner has run consistantly for 96 hours straight. No I do not beleive it has turned off when I wasn't looking or while I have slept. Therefore I feel the need to inform you that in the very near future I may be moving into a cardboard box as I know that Northern VA Elec. will come collecting and I can only imagine that invoice will come in close to the National Debt. So please save any large boxes for me as I am not expecting any deliveries in the near future and have become accustomed to spreading out.

Seriously the only thing happening right now is incredible heat. I am literally watering my plants at 10pm at night only to have them wilted by 8am in the morning... so I waddle out there every morning and spray them down again-- They seriously are whispering to me as I pull up in the driveway at night.
And for someone who never uses her AC in the car let me tell you I have it going full tilt right now and it really doesn't even put a dent in the temp.


Anonymous said...


I was so glad when the temperatures finally broke. I definitely know what you mean - although I think my ac actually turned off a couple of times during those three days. Pretty afraid of the August BGE bill here.

Anonymous said...

That's what you get for living up north. Its cooler here in Florida. Be careful of the heat.