So he's all grown up--shops for and Dresses himself now. Definatley something a Mother can be proud of!!! (Yes those are boxers proclaiming my son is a redneck!)

And apparently Tif is all grown up and dressing herself!! Gotta love the Citygirl meets lake look! (I promise there is a cute Bikini under all those clothes)

And yes Tim is all grown up too!!! Soooo old he got two cakes for his birthday!!
Hehehehe-- Another Labor Day weekend come and gone. We drove away as fast as we could from the hurricane winds and rain down to the lake where it was HOT and Sunny!! Really couldn't have asked for nicer weather. We celebrated Tims birthday in his new house and the next morning Karen came over and made some awesome omelets (fired up just right) with alittle mimosa on the side... Toni took me for a tube ride on Mabel... just the way I like it SLOOWWWWWW.... and Mike caught some fish... although I have no photographic evidence... so you can come to your own conclusions. Pretty uneventful weekend.. but fun as always.
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