Just alittle rambling... My Top 5 reasons why Doing it Yourself is better then hiring a contractor
1) You always show up to your own project
2) You would never just lay cables around the wall to connect the TV to Dishnetwork
3) You realize that life is short and you can paint a room in a day
4) You stay til the job is finished
5) You can change your mind without inconveniencing anyone...
We (ok So Mike) finished painting the family room this weekend.. It looks really good. Now we have to move the furniture back and hang pictures etc.
The painters never showed up yesterday to finish the upstairs. And yes I was mad enough yesterday that I moved the furniture back and started putting the living room back together. Seems to me they can move it all when they finally arrive. I just couldn't see going another week living like this.
Mike also took time out yesterday to rewire the basement so the cables are all hidden behind the walls and ceiling that Dishnetwork and laid against the baseboard. He also hooked up our phone downstairs.... for some reason its been a cord coming out of the wall for years with no jack... don't ask... never seemed important...
Oh and we had to call the ductcleaners to come back out... Mike has been complaining about the dust in the house for a week now.. Well he went and looked at the filter-- which they changed when they cleaned the ducts 2 weeks ago... IT IS BLACK!! kinda amazing since usually we only change the filters every 3-4 months and it never looks BLACK. Seems they didn't do the stellar job they thought they did....