Its amazing the amount of stuff that kitchen cabinets hold. And when you have it spread out on your dining room table, boxed up in the living room and stashed everywhere in between it looks like even more. Is all of this necessary to cook? and does it make your meals taste better? Probably not--
As I emptied the cabinets I didn't even bother sorting it or purging--Like most tasks-- I know just because it came out doesn't mean it will fit back in-- at that point I will make some harsh decisions and decide the Jello Jigggler easter egg mold that hasn't been used since Amanda was in elementary school can be disposed of. Until then It can stare at me from a box in the living room.
Its been a long process recovering from the smoke and fire damage. Finally

Thursday they removed the cabinets.Over a month since we began this odyssey. Kinda sad looking without anything in there. And Corey's comment summed it up-- "is it possible your kitchen looks smaller with nothing it in?" Funny it does-- Which makes you realize all those decorating magazines and shows are right when they talk about color and size-- The cabinets on the wall give the room height and even in a small space larger pieces can make a room feel larger... I am still struggling with deciding on a color for the room... Light green seems like a logical choice since I have so much of it in the adjoining rooms. But is green a good food color? Light green certainly isn't a happy color--- And I am all about
happy colors , heck I searched for months for a happy couch for the family room... (don't ask how an eggplant couch fit that criteria) Hmm is light green going to make me hungry? will it make my lackluster cooking taste better? Why is color such a hard choice?
LOL on the color choice as it relates to cooking quality!!!! I'm sorry you're having to go through all this, but hope you end up with something you absolutely love!!!!! Jill (pea Jill_Ilene)
well you can toss that MCI coffee travel mug on the table! that is a start
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