Just call me Fred... Fred Flintstone that is... I moved all the rocks back onto the waterfall this weekend.. and boy can I feel it in every muscle in my body! But it was worth it! We spent this weekend working hard in the yard. The weather took a turn for the better and we took full advantage-- Plants got moved (some of them for the third time) back into the newly enlarged garden in front of the pond-- hostas got divided to fill in spots that seemed bare and bushes got moved to hopefully improve their growth.

And if that wasn't enough-- I couldn't be prouder of Mike--he's been working hard to remove all the Junk that he has collected behind the pond and next to the carport. The Sanford and Son look is gone. A couple of trips to the dump and alittle help from David and he's made real progress. I guess our next project will have to be the attic.
The boys also got all the cars washed-- something the cold weather has prevented us all from doing. And hey the horseshoe pit is back in business with new sand and cleaned up shoes--
I spoke to Amanda a few times this weekend. Corey drove down to keep her company-- The media has been asked to

leave campus and she's glad they'll be gone when classes start Monday. The media has played such a big part in this whole tragedy-- Next week the students all have alot deal with and having the added pressure of outsiders just wouldn't be a good thing. Its now time for all of us to move on...
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