Taking a break from Alaska for a moment... Last night was a mix of dog park meets Birthday Party and BBQ-- Friday night's BBQ had been planned weeks ago to Celebrate Ruths Birthday and get the whole family together before the wedding.. but as happens with weddings plans changed. However with things set in motion the only thing left to do was change gears and move forward. The kids were coming home.. christopher took off work and why not just enjoy the evening? We figured just invited friends over.. but last minute that didn't work so we ended up with just us-- Corey invited Tommy and Mike over and that began the night!
I came home from work to be greeting in the kitchen by Madison, Bonnie and Zoey--- HAHA no one mentioned we were having a house guest.... Zoeys an old girl full of personalaity who doesn't get out much... shes a good friend of Madisons and was very excited to be able to trot out in the open.
The boys were way too excited about playing ladder ball... They each told stories of counting down the hours to get a new game going... yes ladder ball is alittle addicting.. and for me... I found an "sport" that I can excel at! Dinner had to wait a bit so the games could begin...
Mike out did himself with a new batch of home made BBQ sauce... Hot, Spicy and sticky!
The night took a turn-- Tommy arrived -- with Buster and Macho-- (and Mike too) These are the most unlikely pair-- Buster the largest Lab you have even seen... 2 years old and every bit a puppy still... and Macho-- A chiauwa (ok I can't spell and I am not even gonna try) ---
Bonnie took it all in stride-- looking at me like I lost my mind... 4 dogs in her yard that didn't belong... she took a nap--
Buster never sat down... would run chasing balls far into the woods... down the hill, up the hill... out in the back woods.. you name it-- Buster was a machine-- funniest moment... Tommy threw one ball far into the front woods.. and Buster came back with two.. Thanks Buster for finding a long lost tennis ball...
Busters only "lil" problem... he likes water.. Tommy was worried with our two ponds that the tempation would be two much for Buster... and he was right... in a blink of an eye Buster was in the water garden... and no sooner was he dragged out that he would gallop right back in... Mike wasn't laughing but I couldn't see straight it was so funny----
More ladder ball. Horseshoes... and Birthday cake... Yes the boys sang wonderfully as Amanda attempted to take pictures... retakes were necessary as she barked orders (no pun intended) Try and look cute... don't look fat... Christopher and I couldn't get it right... even with "face wipes" and deep breathes....

A night to be remembered... fear of dogs conquered... and yummy BBQ--
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