I lifted a weight off my shoulders today and finally shipped off David and Ruth their wedding pictures.. Where does the time go? I swear it was just June! With that off my plate I am excited to jump in with two feet to work on all the summer pictures that I have been stacking up on my desk. Like this one….
Speaking of David it has taken us all summer to identify this plant that he gave us. The leaf shape had us stumped and it wasn’t until we were actually present to see it bloom (its one of those plants that closes up at night) that we were able to figure out it was a Passion Flower. Armed with this knowledge I now have to get it out of the pot it’s in and actually plant it in the ground if I want it to be around next year.
While drinking my coffee this morning and readying through my list of blogs I was drawn into Jessica Spragues--blog —that led me to another sight Urban Fairies --- ok let me say I need to add this to my list of wants—Fairy doors should be in every home…especially if there are children living in the home… ok so there aren’t any in mine… but I am a kid at heart and that’s what counts. Now to convince Mike that he needs to make me one….. He’s not real keen on putting nails in the wall for pictures I can only imagine what he’ll say about making a home for invisible fairies----

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