Day 3-
It was a slow start—we had great plans of waking up early that just didn’t take place. Instead we took our time, made breakfast and muddled around in the morning. Watched alittle BBC on the tv—now that has got to be TV at its worst. The comedy is sad—you laugh not because its funny but because its stupid. But it was interesting to see the shows we watch here at home in their original fomat… Dancing with the Stars—they call it strickly dancing… and apparently take it seriously as it was also mentioned for about 10 minutes on the news the next day… and Deal or no deal… they have that too.. just different hosts.. again it was interesting.
When we did leave the house it was to take David and Ruth back to the airport… but not before we hit the rental place up for a new car and GPS.. GPS (TOMTOM) gave Mike and I a new freedom to drive without getting lost. One less thing to worry about while driving on the wrong side of the rode sitting on the wrong side of the car. Even as a passenger I found it hard to sit there… I am used to holding on for dear life with my right hand… but not in Scotland.. I had to use the left hand… or as I ended up doing holding on to the back of Mikes seat with my right hand and clutching the door with my left.
After dropping everyone off at the airport, we ventured into Edinburgh. Found ourselves at Pay and Park (parking garage) and walked up the hill to the castle. We learned during our week in Scotland that to get to a castle always meant there would be walking and hills involved.
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