Monday, November 05, 2007


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Its defiantly feeling like fall, and so for dinner what better than alittle casserole to warm things up? Ummm Curried chicken and broccoli. The time change was a good thing this weekend. Seemed to add more than a hour to our days. Both kids were in town this weekend for Coreys Birthday. Had lunch with Amanda and Corey on Saturday and Christopher breezed through for alittle dinner. We all went to Coreys house for his Birthday Party. Good time had by all.
Sunday, despite the fall temp's was a day for outside yard clean up. I probably should have done more with the plants as I just know as the weeks wear on I will resist the urge to be outside at all. But I was able to get the planters and garden "stuff" into the shed and Mike and I put the net on my water garden. We have waited, as the frogs just had another batch of babies and I didn't want them trapped with no way to hibernate.
As I puttered around this weekend a mental list was made of projects that I have been putting off. I think its time to recover two chairs and catch up on a back log of sewing projects. And someone explain what the hecks happening in the basement. Looks like a bomb went off in there (again). We definitely need to add that to the list to do's.

1 comment:

kok said...

just let the plants die and clean them up in the spring. hell, mine are still in bloom, believe that or not...