Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Blustry cold and rain makes for ICE
Nothing like a bit of ice to make the ride home alittle more exciting. I guess commuting should have some sort of excitement to it.
Today is the "Potomac Primary" I can't wait to hear which politican uses the weather as an excuse.
My thoughts on our choices:
Hillary already admitted to running out of money in her campaign... if she can't budget her campaign do I want her touching our countries budget??? NO
Obama- I still haven't figured out where his experience at running a country comes from? As a senator from Il?? and anyone whose website starts with asking for my email address has a strike against him
Huckabee- Seriously with a name like that do I doubt that he thinks the polls are rigged- however his tough stance of illegal immigrants did make me take notice.
McCain- First off he was quite the handsome young man back in the day... as far as his politics I can't really figure out what he really stands for. Sure he's against pork barrel spending... but beyond that I get the feeling he's glossing over the topics telling me what I want to hear but not really saying what hes gonna do-- but the man does have a pig on the front of his senator web page... a bonus point for making me smile...

So with those thoughts layed out---
Are you scared yet??? because I'm not the only one who whose brain can't seem to wrap around all the political mumbo jumbo!! Its idots like me who are gonna elect one of these people into office.....who to vote for??? who knows-- we have a year to get it all sorted out... and we know they will all change their minds by then...

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