Tuesday, June 17, 2008


So Furby or is it Furbe?? whatever..... Christophers cat has been with us since Saturday and tonight was the first night the cat didn't growl at me. Of course I came bearing gifts of water. Funny the cat doesn't like me entering the room but had no problem with the camera flashing right at her.... maybe there is hope for this relationship yet....
Goodnews for the cat Christopher is coming for an early morning visit.. I can only imagine how pleasant he will be after sitting in rush hour traffic after working all night. I did alittle ironing for him and even managed to locate shoes... big meeting at 9am... lets just keep our fingers crossed.
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1 comment:

Heidi Cocca said...

This post makes me smile & think of your time with Furby before our Nashville trip. Glad to hear that things are going better with kitty... and I hope that the big meeting went well :)