So Maizy completed her first Day of school... Puppy school that is... and we all survived... of course before leaving for school I asked Mike he wanted to go... his response was "Do I need to go?" hmmm no you don't need to... " Do you want me to go?" hmmm if you want to... so in reality I was thinking yea you need to go because what if I can't handle all these other dogs around my baby... and yes I want you to go incase Maizy decides to embarass me by attacking these dogs I need someone who knows she can be sweet.....
So we all head off to the local Petsmart... so far so good right? Happy little family.... now once we get there I was alittle apprehensive about actually taking Maizy and having all four paws on the floor but her teacher assured me she would get much more out of the class if she was infact on the floor.... (smile) so I put her down...
First we should go back to where we walk into the classroom.... I quickly surveyed our competition whoops I mean our fellow students... alittle teacup terrier... another pug (black) and beagle, two shitzu's and two Mastiffs......insert record scratching sound here.... MASTIFFS-- just in case you are not familar with a Mastiff... please see picture

yea... now to be accurate all the dogs in class are about 3 1/2- 4 months old... so these mastiffs are puppies too... and not full grown like the picture... but they are almost Cooper size... whoaaaaaaa--- but being the good mother I put my puppy down... because well because I was told to... and being the fiesty toe chewing, big dog loving puggy she is-- what does she do? she promptly hides behind/under the little classroom stools... and shakes uncontrollably... Mike and I look at each other and frankly laugh out loud... this was not the response we expected from our little Maizy-- afterall just last weekend she was hanging with the big boys...

and despite Bonnie showing her biggirl teeth every day she always goes back for more...
Her teacher assures us that coming to puppy class will be her favorite day of the week... and that her classmates will become her pack... her family... but for the hour we were in class we literally had to peel her away from the wall... she did eventually participate but with fear in her eyes....
I guess we will see what happens next week... for now we do our homework every day.... Maizy look at me..... ohh yea and there are treats involved...
I can't help but think this is not the first shy child I have raised... who behaved like a wild woman at home and hide under my skirt in the real world.....and she turned out ok right????
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