Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Motherhood guilt

Not really sure when guilt became part of motherhood.. but tonight I sat and listened to both my children tell me about their work schedules and somehow I felt bad... I can't really tell you why because I work hard -- heck I go to work everyday and from I can tell I will be doing it for a long time! But listening to Amanda tell me she had to work all 3 days of the upcoming holiday weekend made me sad... Shouldn't she be joy riding her way to the beach? or planning a day of play outside?? When did being a college student have such responsiblity? And Chris-- he too is spending his summer working-- Yes I want them to be responsible -- I certainly can't support them forever but somehow I feel guilty that they are working so hard....

On another note.. I am ok with all the rain... its easier for me to go to work in the rain....I'd rather be stuck inside on a rainy day then when the sun is shining.....

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