Thursday, July 03, 2008

You might want to touch me

I have this long list of blogs that I read every morning-- cup of coffee and a few blogs... it is a nice way to start the day... sure there are probably more important things I should be reading...the washington post... the New York Times... but nooo I like my blogs and seriously if there is anything important happening in the world one of those blogs will probably have it on there anyway....
And the thing about alot of these blogs they are written to pimp their business or their advertisers so many times they have give aways.. And as the sucker that I am I always throw my name in the hat.... well yesterday I found out that I had WON on the Wedding Chic's blog.

So I am thinking today might be the day for me to buy a lottery ticket!!! or place a bet somewhere!! I am feeling LUCKYYYYYY!!!


Heidi Cocca said...

I saw that on Kelli's blog and wondered if it was you -- congratulations!!

Heidi Cocca said...

Okay, so I just got around to watching Kelli's video and it seems pretty cool. I'm eager to hear your review once it arrives.