Yesterday I ventured out to Columbia Md for Heidi's Baby shower... Who knew that Columbia was so darn far away? But it was worth the trip- Heidi looks great! Pregnancy suits her-- She seems very excited about the new addition coming to her family. Speaking of family it was nice to meet her Mom and Dad, I have heard so many great things about them and they are just as wonderful as Heidi always said.
While chatting about all the new baby stuff and decorating for the new baby I couldn't help but remember that 24 years ago I was just as excited about adding Raggedy Ann and Andy drawer liners to the dresser and that peice of yellow carpet that would turn our dining room into a babies room... how our lives have changed since then. And every step of the way it was our children that spurred us on to create the life we have. I can only hope that Heidis new baby will bring her the joy that Christopher and Amanda have brought us.
Friends come into our lives through unexpected ways... I met Heidi and Leah off the internet, through scrapbooking. What started out as joining a Circle Journal group, turned into lunches, joining a book club and heading to Nashville. I can't tell you how much their friendship has meant to me as I headed solo into my little hobby. These are two creative women who I feel very lucky to call friends.
And to make my weekend even better, I now have Madison for a little pre- Thanksgiving visit. Amanda came home Friday night for a funeral and was nice enough to let Madison stay here with us for the week. The controled Chaos that she brings is always fun. Hopping in Bonnies face and chasing Mr. Wiggles are her two favorite activities and in between we get kisses and puppy love... what could be better?
I know what you mean wrt puppy kisses...Thrash, the boston terrier , is now a perm resident here at my house..he is just a love sponge and basically washes my face in kisses!
It was so great to see you last weekend... thanks for making the trek to Columbia for the party!
I'm also glad that we not only met, but that we got to know each other better at our weekly cj lunches and then at all of the scrapbook type events there after. I'm happy to call you my friend :)
I am contacting you because I am working with the authors of a book about blogs. I have seen a photograph of yours that I find interesting and would like to request permission to include it in this book. If you think this is something you might be interested in please send me an email at hannah@wefeelfine.org and I will send along more details about the project. Hope to talk to you soon!
Note: In order to locate your image later it would be much appreciated if you would include a link to this blog in your response. Thanks again!!
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