Giving thanks for a wonderful week in Florida. While the weather was alittle cooler than we hoped it certainly was nice to see swaying palm trees, blue skys and spend time with family.
This was the first Thanksgiving that Christopher was not with us.. A first that didn't sit well with me. He was missed but I guess work schedules and traveling won't always mesh in the grownup world.
We did however get to see the rest of the family. And as Martha Stewart would say That is a good thing It was nice having a chance to see in person my Mom's new kitchen and her wonderful new floors that I have heard so much about but never saw in person. And my mother-in-laws new home-- with the bathroom that is bigger than my bedroom.

We truely had a relaxing vacation-- ate too much, went to the beach, played in my parents pool and even had time to power shop with Amanda for her sorority rush wardrobe. Yes we packed alot into 3 days and today I am feeling it. But it was worth every minute.

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