We had a day at Sea when going to Hubbard Glacier.. We got up at the crack of dawn (what else was new?) so that we could get a good look--"Hubbard Glacier is just one of hundreds of Glaciers that have survived that last mini Iceage" impressive!

The best viewings for the glacier were from the upper decks and Mike and I made our way to the front of the ship to the helicopter pad, while my parents made their way to the Night club for indoor viewing. We changed locations a few times, it was COLD but so worth being out there to see. The ship could only get so close this trip (apparently some years there is less ice in the water) because of the large amount of ice in the water. But no worries we were impressed!

Seeing the ice in the water-- and seeing how large it was under the water-- brought to mind the saying "its only the tip of the Ice berg!" So very true...

The Captain moved the boat from side to side to everyone had a great chance to see the Glacier, to see the Ice field and to see all the ice in the water. After taking a ton of pictures we headed back to the room for alittle more viewing... we even saw a seal playing in the ice-
Then it was off for alittle exploring around the ship...more food and then a much needed nap... Packing for home was another item on the list... all of our bags had to put packed and put in the hall before midnight... not an easy task when the sun didn't set until around midnight....

I think what amazed me most about seeing the glacier was seeing the contrast of Ice covered mountains sitting in harmony with some of the greenest forests.... and the lack of anything man made-- so very hard to find in our daily lives...

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