Sometimes no matter how hard you plan-- things just take a different course.. and that was this past weekend. It was suppose to be a weekend at the lake with the whole family-- and it turned into a weekend with just my family. Not that it stopped us from having fun... it was probably just alittle quieter... As I arrived everyone had left just hours earlier... the story of my life. day late and a dollar short.
We did spend the weekend outside having some good old fashion 4th of July fun. Swimming, Fishing, Fireworks, Nascar and ladderball.
Tim and Karen took us to the fireworks on their new boat-- lots of fun and lots of room for lounging-- Karen and I got alittle silly with self portraits-- I'll save those for another day!! (I know Karen will appreciate that!) I didn't realize how many years it had been since Amanda had been to the fireworks by boat... alittle reminicing of the "good ol days"-- I got some great shots of her fishing... if I squeezed my eyes really hard I could see her when she was 6 fishing on a dock somewhere at gaston... same determination... 
hard to beleive but I took over 100 photos in 2 days-- just to add to the madness I am already in with photos...
Oh and did I mention my sister in laws got me a cool birthday gift... I wish they were there to see me smile... so glad they "get it" nothing like getting a bag of scrapping goodies for your birthday! maybe getting old isn't so bad afterall!
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