Friday, January 25, 2008
No paper was harmed

Thursday, January 24, 2008
I really want to spend some time in the coat closet, but I have such a problem letting go. Seriously there are coats in there from the 90's.... Maybe I can peak in there and tackle it this weekend?
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
A funny thing happened while making dinner.
Yes that would be fish... but I was thinking the bag contained fillets.... of ready to throw in the oven fish... you know fish. This is certainly a far cry from Mrs. Pauls fishsticks.... hmmm not knowing what to do --I played alittle , chased Madison with fish in hand, asked Mike if he wanted to kiss the fish... and then proceeded to run cold water over them to thaw them.... Preparation was beyond me... I threw some lemon pepper and ginger on them and shoved them in the oven... and called it dinner-
15 minutes later it looked done... so what is the protocal for whole fish... do you behead and betail before serving???? who knows... at our house since Mike didn't make a special request he got the whole darn thing...
Needless to say we picked at our dinner... and went to bed alittle hungrier than normal... Did I mention I am really a big fan of fish sticks???
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Driving driving driving

Thursday, January 17, 2008
Having Madison here in the snow is like having a small child around. Each time she goes out she adds to the pile of wet clothes... Seriously she has no hair and needs to wear a sweater or something when venturing out... the snow is deep enough to envelope her.
Mike is out paying for the wedding, I mean out plowing!! haha-- If your interested the new date is March 21 2009. But I wouldn't write that in ink just yet... as we still have not found a church or reception place yet.... And I am sure someone will tell her theres a reason not to have it that date... she is easily swayed at this point and I am just going with the flow.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Today I am the big winner!!
WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER <--- insert little dance here... I am an avid reader of Carol Wingerts blog and she had alittle giveaway recently.... And I am the WINNER!! Totally love her work, just recently (ok it was about 2 months ago) bought her book... and now I get one of her little peices of art... Very excited.
Makes me wanna go home and mess up my very clean scrap room and play with lots of glitter and glue!!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Quick update
Thursday, January 10, 2008
1, 2 and waiting for 3
Mike got the news today that he passed his "Manager" test that got sprung on him last minute at the end of the year for one of his customers. Nothing like having to study for something you already are/do for someone who has nothing to do with your daily business....
And Amanda learned yesterday that her Loreal internship will be credited towards her graduation. Meaning no more Biology classes needed. Thats certainly a big plus. Now she can play in Chemistry, Wine and Finance classes (yes she thinks Chemistry is fun)
Now looking for #3 to come along.. Doing the search for Wedding locations for first quarter 2009 -that is proving to be a challenge but Cinderella got a Carriage out of a pumpkin and I know that we can find a location. The guest list has been cut and cut.. its become a fun game...
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Took the weekend off...

Thursday, January 03, 2008
I did alittle more of my MOB (Mother of the Bride) duties... worked on the "notebook". I have a game plan to complete this duty by this weekend and hopefully be back in Manda's good graces. I purchased divider tabs and pocket folders and found the cutest little sticky notes with her Inital on them- they will be going in this cute little book

Tonight is the Big Game VT vs Kansas.... Lets GO HOKIES!!
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Its a new year
Its a new year and I am trying to get organized. We did nothing for New Years Eve. Infact we were in bed by 10:30-- we did stay awake to see the new year in and then promptly fell asleep. But I did manage to fill a trashbag full of T-shirts and I also worked alittle on my closet and the pile that inevidably grows in front of it.
New Years always brings this bug in me to get organized-- New Year,New beginnings, Fresh Start etc. I think it probably has to do with looking around and seeing the aftermath of Christmas-- decorations, boxes, food that needs to be thrown away... Anyway I am making lists as fast as I check things off of them---
And then theres this wedding thing that my daughter says I need to get excited about and get involved with.... Ok I have added it to my list and even set up a folder on the computer... Check off getting involved.. another task done.