Sunday, January 13, 2008

Quick update

Probably one of the most productive weekends I have had in a long time. Worked like a dog yesterday on putting away Christmas decorations and CLEANING... I even got the carpets cleaned-- no more puppy spots or muddy footprints. Totally exhausted by the end of the day and scary but my legs hurt too... way too much manual labor for one day for this girl. I managed to move some furniture too.. Nothing like starting the year out with a new look...

Today I ventured out of the house. Natalie and I hit the Bridal show at Heritage Hunt. Wow is all I can say. Weddings are big business.. It was a whole ball room of non stop shopping for everything wedding related. We walked in confused and left even more confused. But we have treats and business cards from everyone. Packing up a box of all the "stuff" for Amanda-- it will make good reading when she is bleary eyed from studing molocules or whatever it is she studies.
This week the cleanup continues.. the scraproom is high on the list... then into Amandas room which has turned into a mini dumping ground in the last few weeks... Sorry honey--I promise to make it back into a room that you don't need to crawl over boxes to get into!! I promise....

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