Its a new year and I am trying to get organized. We did nothing for New Years Eve. Infact we were in bed by 10:30-- we did stay awake to see the new year in and then promptly fell asleep. But I did manage to fill a trashbag full of T-shirts and I also worked alittle on my closet and the pile that inevidably grows in front of it.
New Years always brings this bug in me to get organized-- New Year,New beginnings, Fresh Start etc. I think it probably has to do with looking around and seeing the aftermath of Christmas-- decorations, boxes, food that needs to be thrown away... Anyway I am making lists as fast as I check things off of them---
And then theres this wedding thing that my daughter says I need to get excited about and get involved with.... Ok I have added it to my list and even set up a folder on the computer... Check off getting involved.. another task done.
1 comment:
I am just opting to work on bettering my life and myself, vice resolutions. BTW the Adobe 'classroom' series books are good to learn from, they go step by step. I have one for photoshop, just got to find the time to get back to it.
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