Thursday, April 13, 2006


I saw a sign tonight on my way home from work... Kindergarten registration is next week... who knew?? But that sign gave me a moment to remember -- 19 years ago it was a big deal-- I remember the day vividly and the excitement it brought... Christopher was so little yet so ready... I remember walking into Coles Elementary to sign him up like it was yesterday-- the tables set up in the lobby the little chairs... Mrs. Cook greeting me with papers to fill out.. I worked hard to get all his shots done in time for registration. I remember being so careful to make sure she knew he was Christopher not Chris... funny now he doesn't even use his first name.... I didn't know anyone-- I was just starting out the new venture of being a stay at home mom.. it was probably just as scary for me as for him... hmmm that was a lonnnnnnnnng time ago...

And a few years later I did it again.. this time for Amanda... much different... I was soooo ready to sign her up! I was confident in what I was doing... I was choosy as to who her teacher would be. (I stuck with Mrs. Cook) I was part of the school community by then--I was established in my role as full time mom-- I remember joking that we would have a party on the first day of school when she got on the bus...WAHOO no kids at home!! hahaha and look at me now... counting down the hours til the kids will be home for a holiday visit... life and its strange twists and turns...

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