Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The best laid plans

So things just haven't gone as planned lately. After waiting so long I finally jumped in with two feet to get laser eye surgery. Funny I wasn't really concerned about the surgery itself. Although looking back I guess I should have been. I was more concerned about spending the money. I am not saying that vision is not a worthy expenditure but it seemed frivolous and extravagant to me. Something that other people do-- not me. I have obligations-- and this seemed alittle selfish. But Mike assured me that it wasn't. And now I feel like I am paying for it.
If I could turn back time. Today I can read. Its a great feeling to read without glasses. But everything else is work-- Driving at night is down right scary.. that same feeling as driving in the snow. I have new glasses that help me get from point a to point b but its not the same as seeing while you get there.
My doctor assures me this is temporary and I am hanging on to that. Patience.. Lots of Patience...


kok said...

Don't fret, it's called 'Halo's" and it does get better. Just a bit freaky at first...

Heidi Cocca said...

Although I have not had this surgery... I have a couple friends who have who experienced similar things, but in just a short while were doing much better. Hopefully you'll be better than ever in no time!!