The cabinet guy measured our wall and somehow measured wrong. Therefore the three inches that he measured wrong translated into him ordering a 2 12 inch cabinets instead of 2 15 inch cabinets... Three inches may not seem like much but again in a kitchen my size that is alot.... And to top it off the bottom cabinet he ordered is a bank of drawers.. drawers like the ones in Amandas kitchen... Worthless so small that putting two spatulas in them fills them up. Never did I ask for a bank of drawers.
Then if that is not enough... The sink wall cabinets are 8 1/2 inches short... even though he did measure correctly and on the plans it reads correctly... The last cabinet should be 39 inches.. somehow I go a 33 inch base.
I know you are thinking oh they made a mistake they are sorry and they will quickly remedy this... HA!
1) Cabinet guy: Alot of people like that bank of drawers
2) Cabinet guy: They don't make a larger base cabinet (liar)
3) Cabinet guy: It would be hard to reach into that base cabinet if it were bigger
4) Cabinet guy: Well we could customize it... it would only cost YOU $200.
5) Me: If you don't resolve this by Tuesday you can remove all the cabinets.
Did I mention that we have no water in the kitchen... and I totally have fallen in love with:
1) eating off of paper plates
2) Washing dishes by hand
3) Washing dishes in the BATHROOM
On other fronts:
The countertop guy arrived as scheduled to measure for the countertop that we can't put in now because the cabinet guy is an idot. Oh... and the countertop guy could have had my counters in on WEDNESDAY... which means I could have had water on Wednesday... and even though his english is well... nonexistant he assures me that he will be in and out of my kitchen in one hour. Yes folks ONE HOUR!
And amazingly I lost the bet with Mike on who would arrive first the painter or the countertop guy... seeing as our painters seem to be on the sleep in til you have bed sores time schedule... Yea Vern arrived at 9am... although his first words to us were "I gotta be in my driveway no later than 2pm today"... so much for finishing...
Guess we get to see him again... Funny when he left he mentioned he would be back today... but I am not holding my breath.
Being alittle angry does have its perks... I raked and raked and raked the back gardens... Mike and I moved a crape myrtle tree from by the garage to by the deck and I moved about a dozen tall phlox plants... then we moved landscaping bricks to enlarge the garden by the pond because we can't seem to cut the grass on the hill....
I leave you with a picture of what could be.... Loving the cabinets I did get!
Glad you're using your frustration productively at least!!!!!! UGH!!!!!!
Somehow my woes seem so much smaller right now. Few things suck more than being inconvenienced greatly by some one else's stupidity.
Good luck with getting it all done before Easter! (See, I'm giving them an extra few days. . .)
It is so hard to deal with contractors! Great job with the raking :) Now...breathe... :)
Oh my!!! Kitchen remodels are the WORST! I hope it all gets resolved soon.
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