Monday, November 28, 2005


So I guess you noticed that alittle more painting was happening at my house. Yes that would be the orange hallway... it has a great funky name but in reality its orange... and I am totally lovin the green in the living/dining room... still more painting left to do in the living room... but hopefully it will be done this week. The colors totally make me happy happy happy. One day-- probably not in this house I will be able to have matching accessories, lamps, pictures etc. but for now I keep myself smiling with paint!

The last few days have been filled with family and food.. I did take pictures at thanksgiving.. not sure if they get posted or not... we had a great time at my sister in laws.. its always fun when we are all together.-- We managed to get two turkeys cooked on Friday, so the kids could take home leftovers. Needless to say they raided the kitchen on their way out the door (man can't live on turkey alone) Mikes parents showed up early on Saturday to help him paint.... I'm not allowed to put paint on the walls.... we giggled our way through china cabinets and nail pops-- although he wasn't much better about letting them play in the paint. And true to form I stayed in Jammies the entire weekend.

And the biggest news... my washer is finally fixed. yes finally---


Heidi Cocca said...

Glad to hear that you had a relaxing weekend with the fam! Especially loving the part of not getting out of your PJs. On Friday, I did nothing but sit on my couch, watch tv and eat leftovers... all in my PJs and it was FANTASTIC!!

And I love the colors that you have chosen -- so bold, so Vicki!

Anonymous said...

Just popping in to say Hi to a neighbor..I saw your comment on Danielle's Blog and had to stop by. I live just off Hoadly....
