Thursday, March 22, 2007

random thoughts

Exactly what is the deal with gas prices? Monday I drive down Main Street and everyone has the same price –The going price??…. $2.39—The next morning on my way up Main street I can’t help but wonder what happened overnight—Gas has suddenly risen to $2.46… now I have this new method of staying ahead of the high rising gas prices… I only run down my tank to the half way point which means I put about 10 gallons – that way I never have to fill up on a high price day… but seriously 7 cents overnight is ridiculous. That’s an additional 70 cents just for gas--- By all means I know I squander away much more than that on chocolate bars and McSausage breakfasts but that’s still my choice right?…
So Wednesday as I cruise past the gas stations… guess what?? They are all back to $2.39???? Are the gas stations owners having fun changing the signs? Is someone in a turban somewhere laughing watching the silly Americans climb up and down the ladders to hike up the prices??? And again I ask what happened overnight that made everyone go back down????

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